Legally Blonde Movie Photos (2001)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This is some of the best legally blonde (2001) movie photos that Ive gathered online.

To enlarge, just click on any of the photo - open in new window.

Image 1
legally blonde photo with pink glass next to a black car

Image 2
legally blonde photo with her friends - serena and margot

Image 3
legally blonde photo relaxing and reading magazine

Image 4
legally blonde photo sitting on a red cushion

Image 5
legally blonde's dog photo carrying elle name card

Image 6
legally blonde photo giving a kiss on her pink room

Image 7
legally blonde photo with blue dress

She is very beautiful in the last photo, isn't she :). Credit goes to fanpop and allmoviephoto for these wonderfull pictures. You can also view my legally blonde wallpaper collection.

Lastly, please give out your honest opinion on legally blonde photos above by commenting on this post.


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